"Banquo is a major character in the first two Acts, and he serves us well as a standard against which we can compare Macbeth."
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"The two men are seen at first as equals, although it is Macbeth who won the higher praise in the battle. However, their reactions to the witches' words show the important difference between them."
"While Macbeth seems to accept what the witches say, Banquo is much more sceptical, and warns his companion against believing too readily:"
"*The instruments of darkness tell us truths /.... to betray's / In deepest consequence."
"Seemingly, Banquo's morality will not let him be drawn into evil. Later, he admits to being disturbed by dreams of the 'three weird sisters', but to overcome them he appeals to 'Merciful Powers'."
"*(See II,i)"
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"In the same scene, he makes it clear that he will only take advantage of what Macbeth has to offer him, if he can do so honourably."
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"This virtue, and also Macbeth's jealousy of Banquo's good fortune in being promised a line of Kings as descendants, is what provokes Macbeth to murder him."
"Perhaps Macbeth himself makes the most telling comment on the character of Banquo, when he says"
"* ...in his royalty of nature / Reigns that which would be feared. 'Tis much he dares... III,1,47-48"
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"Macbeth adds wisdom and valour to the list of Banquo's qualities, and these lines show that he feels Banquo would be a better King than he, himself."
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"King James I traced his ancestry to Banquo, and Shakespeare would have had this in mind when he wrote the part, as the King was his patron."